Send location information to other Arduino

Previous, I was interpreted the GPS information, now I want send my location to other Arduino board. So that, every Arduino board can be sharing the location information. This is for anti-collision purpose.

  1. At the second Arduino board, up load the code to it.
    void setup()
    void loop()
  2. Now, you can open the COM port, the result will be same as previously.
  3. But this time, I want introduce GPS library to you.
    You can down the library at here

    The good thing about this library is, you just need to call the function it have, and it will automatic display result to you, cool right!
    Here is complete list:
  4. // Latitude in degrees (double)
    gps.location.lng() // Longitude in degrees (double)
    gps.location.rawLat().negative ? "-" : "+"
    gps.location.rawLat().deg // Raw latitude in whole degrees
    gps.location.rawLat().billionths // ... and billionths (u16/u32)
    gps.location.rawLng().negative ? "-" : "+"
    gps.location.rawLng().deg // Raw longitude in whole degrees
    gps.location.rawLng().billionths // ... and billionths (u16/u32) // Raw date in DDMMYY format (u32) // Year (2000+) (u16) // Month (1-12) (u8) // Day (1-31) (u8)
    gps.time.value() // Raw time in HHMMSSCC format (u32)
    gps.time.hour() // Hour (0-23) (u8)
    gps.time.minute() // Minute (0-59) (u8)
    gps.time.second() // Second (0-59) (u8)
    gps.time.centisecond() // 100ths of a second (0-99) (u8)
    gps.speed.value() // Raw speed in 100ths of a knot (i32)
    gps.speed.knots() // Speed in knots (double)
    gps.speed.mph() // Speed in miles per hour (double)
    gps.speed.mps() // Speed in meters per second (double)
    gps.speed.kmph() // Speed in kilometers per hour (double)
    gps.course.value() // Raw course in 100ths of a degree (i32)
    gps.course.deg() // Course in degrees (double)
    gps.altitude.value() // Raw altitude in centimeters (i32)
    gps.altitude.meters() // Altitude in meters (double)
    gps.altitude.miles() // Altitude in miles (double)
    gps.altitude.kilometers() // Altitude in kilometers (double)
    gps.altitude.feet() // Altitude in feet (double)
    gps.satellites.value() // Number of satellites in use (u32)
    gps.hdop.value() // Horizontal Dim. of Precision (100ths-i32)

  5. GPS library usage
    Let's say you want to display your location, you would simply create a TinyGPS++ instance as shown in below:

    #include <TinyGPS++.h>
    TinyGPSPlus gps;

    Repeatedly feed it characters from your GPS receiver:

    while (Serial.available()>0)

    Then display the desired information:

      Serial.print("Latitude: ");
      Serial.print("Longitude: ");

    The result as shown below:

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